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Lone Pensioners Allowance in Northern Ireland

Lone Pensioner Allowance (LPA) is a discount of 20% for ratepayers who are aged 70 or over and live alone.

LPA is not means-tested so any social security benefits you receive will not normally be affected. You do not have to give details of your income or savings when you apply. You can have any amount of savings and investments and still qualify.

Once awarded, LPA will only change if someone comes to live with you or you no longer have to pay rates.

There are some exceptions that mean you can claim LPA even if you do not live alone. These include:

  • living with a child
  • you have a resident carer because you need someone to help care for you
  • someone who normally lives you is in long term care or is in hospital

To get an application form if you own your home: you can ring Land & Property Services on 0300 200 7801 or visit the Land & Property Services website at

To get an application form if you rent your home: you can ring the Housing Executive on 03448 920 902 or download the Lone Pensioner Allowance Application Form from the NIHE website.

LPA is credited directly to your rent/rates account if you are a Housing Executive or Housing Association tenant or to your rates account if you are a private tenant or pay rates charges directly to Land and Property Services.

For further information about the Lone Pensioner Allowance please see the NI Direct Lone Pensioner Allowance information.
